Guideline for listings of Coins, Tokens and Projects on Unocoin


At Unocoin, we strive to deliver the best crypto buying and selling experience to our Unocoiners. As the industry grows fast and unique, great projects bring significant changes. We want our tribe to invest in the best for their future – the future they believe in. We want to make sure Unocoin is that one platform for all your crypto investments.

As a crypto exchange, we advocate for decentralised, distributed and open blockchain projects. Our platform is built for anyone who wishes to list their project on Unocoin – anyone who believes in the future of a better financial system. That being said, with the growing number of crypto-related products emerging now and then, we usually include them on our platform. We want to enable our community members to explore multiple assets. Hence, we suggest crypto token generators and miners to list their crypto projects.

Here are some of the criteria we checklist while listing assets, tokens, coins, and projects on our exchange. However, the pointers are not just limited to these.

Token publishers must:

  • Have a viable product. 
  • Have an official authentic whitepaper. 
  • Be listed on major crypto data platforms like CoinMarketCap, CoinGecKo.
  • Have a user/community-based adoption. 
  • Have non-anonymous founders and team members.
  • Have a great team actively working on the project. (Active social media).
  • Have a proper project road map. 
  • Have a public tokenomics and vested interest of founders and team members.

Token publishers can also have an open-source code on a platform like Github. This is, however, optional.

While these are a few checklists we want to maintain while listing any projects, we also examine the extent of community adoption and authenticity of a project.

For any request to list your crypto project, please write to us at [email protected].


Thank you