Bitcoin Hard Fork — Unocoin Roadmap


This is to bring to your notice the genuine possibility of a ‘hard fork’ in the Bitcoin industry — which is accounted as a foreseen divide happening among the communities supporting two different version of the consensus rules to communicate with the bitcoin network. [ “Bitcoin Core (BTC)” & “Bitcoin Unlimited (BTU)” ]

A successful ‘hard fork’ could result in two separate token representations for the resultant consensus chains. In the midst of these heated debates, Unocoin would like to express support for the original “Bitcoin Core (BTC)” version and is in the process of building a strong contingency plan for operations in case of a ‘hard fork’.

While user preferences vary between the two versions, there are a quite few technical questions to be answered at our end to deal with the possibility of handling both the tokens. However, Unocoin is technically equipped to handle the situation and assure we deal with this decision smoothly.

In the interest of customer security, we advise to hold your bitcoin private keys for yourself either in ‘paper wallets’ or ‘software or hardware tools’ that are capable of storing them safely (eg. Mycelium, Bitcoin Core, Electrum etc.)

Although there seems to be an increased chance of a ‘hard fork’ this time comparatively, we believe it to be very unlikely to happen and is not an issue to be panic about.


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