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Bitcoin in art: The best artwork inspired by or based on our favourite cryptocurrency

Bitcoin in art: The best artwork inspired by or based on our favourite Cryptocurrency

While art is known to be a form of expression for most artists, it is also a form of communication with the audience. To transform bitcoins that exist in the digital space as numbers on screens, into some aesthetically pleasing form to the general human eye, artists around the world have created art-filled expressions of Bitcoin.

Art meets Technology

It’s Like Gamblin? by Dan Gribben

Created by American artist Dan Gribben, this painting was first presented at the ‘The Time Is Now’ bitcoin art show in San Francisco back in March 2014. The triptych attempts to draw analogies between the craft of winning big in gambling and dealing with Bitcoins.

It’s Like Gamblin? highlights the volatility of the cryptocurrency. It talks about the perceived jackpot nature of buying Bitcoin while sticking to the artist’s cartoonish and colorful style of art.

Free Lunch by David Kim

There has always been a lot of charter around the identity of the creator of Bitcoin. Newsweek’s cover story revealing Dorian Nakamoto as the alleged creator of bitcoin caused a media frenzy when it hit stands in March 2014.

Artist David Kim, being one of those fascinated with the drama surrounding D. Nakamoto created this piece of art depicting his thoughts around the same. This painting showcases the hectic scene of Nakamoto wading his way through a crowd of photographers on his way to clear his name in an exclusive interview with the Associated Press.

Satoshi Nakamoto by Jeff Gomes

Gomes represents Nakamoto’s genius and secret identity with his piece. The painting was showcased at the Bitcoin Art Fair on March 6th.

The piece offers insight into what the inside of Nakamoto’s brilliant mind may look like while attempting to conceal his identity. In the portrait, Nakamoto’s head is filled with blocks of bitcoin knowledge that would have never seen the light of day without his execution.

Satoshi Nakamoto’s quote by Valentina Picozzi

Valentina believes that art has been used to describe and depict historical revolutions and she thinks that it can also be used as a medium to showcase a technological revolution in a similar manner.

One of her favorite paintings around the theme of Bitcoin is that of the Satoshi Nakamoto that says, “If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you I am sorry.” This is because she highly believes in the quote and believes that it really matches with her attitude and way of life.

Untitled Mining Installation by Peter Frölich

Peter Frölich does not normally beyond in the idea of creating art solely for profit. However, after deriving inspiration from Banksy and peeing to his interest in bitcoin mining, Frölich decided to venture outside of his comfort zone.

This attempt resulted in a fully operational Bitcoin mining rig mounted in a baroque gold-plated frame: an aesthetically pleasing money-minting piece of art.

Silk Road Prison Art by /u/YesterdaysNews2

This piece of art is a creative expression of the Reddit user’s (/u/YesterdaysNews2) feelings about Ulbricht’s predicament. The FBI’s wallet address is featured on the artwork, engraved on the wooden paneling. This wallet formerly held the seized coins and the address can be found in the Brooklyn prison where Ulbricht is being held. This painting speaks volumes about the creator’s thoughts about alleged Silk Road leader Ross Ulbricht.

/u/YesterdaysNews2 can deliver this artwork to prospective buyers just if they provide her or him with “1 BTC and shipping address”. Although, this artwork came out in 2014, so we’re sure the user would be happy to deliver this artwork for far few bitcoins now.

Cryptsy-Cryptocurrencies Market by Stefania Nistoreanu

Romanian artist Stefania Nistoreanu has developed a liking to digital currencies. The idea for this oil and gold leaf painting was conceived after Nistoreanu made “a lot of cryptocurrency transactions” in her first two weeks using the Cryptsy exchange.

The 50x70cm painting is up for sale for $4,320, or about 0.6 BTC at the time of publishing this piece.

“Mount Gox” by Thomas-Joseph Carrieri

Artist Thomas-Joseph Carrieri exhibited his works at the San Francisco Bitcoin Art Fair, one of them serving as a reminder to when bitcoin hit a crucial road bump in its early existence. Carrieri’s Mount Gox takes the name of the exchange to heart, as a mountain is the focus of his work. However, the most intriguing part of the artwork is that he based the piece off of the popular card playing game, Magic: the Gathering.

Each Magic card works to strengthen a player’s deck to try and outwit an opponent. The caption on Carrieri’s card reads: “Add Bitcoin to your mana pool.” His work manages to bring together three different realms in one image: the realm of card games, the art world, and bitcoin.

The Last (Bitcoin) Supper by Youl

Painted by French artist Youl, The Last (Bitcoin) Supper is an intricate, balanced and colorful piece of art based on the cryptocurrency. It features QR codes, laptops, and some trendy outfits. This 140x70cm painting is a fittingly modern tribute to Da Vinci’s similar namesake.

Fans of the painting also have their fair shot at purchasing this piece — it’s currently up for auction on eBay for $1,075.00.

Satoshi by Juan Miguel Delgado

This poignant portrayal of a bitcoin transaction depicts a homeless beggar accepting a donation from a purposely faceless man — presumably Satoshi Nakamoto.

According to the artist, a Costa Rican man named Juan Miguel Delgado, the beggar is supposedly a former banking executive. The QR code in the painting directs to a real wallet address that claims to be used to donate to the poor.

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