Delay in recognition and confirmation of deposits


Since 3 days we have seen delays in recognition and confirmation of deposits to your Unocoin wallet especially if your address has got affected with dust transactions (intruder trying to send 0.00000001 btc which would take a long time to confirm). However be sure that all of your deposits eventually show up and your bitcoins are safe. The dust transaction attack and DDoS attack do not affect the security of bitcoin transactions or bitcoin itself and all it can do is delay the confirmation of transactions. With what we have seen, the delayed transactions has got itself sorted out in about 12 to 24 hours. If your transaction takes more than this time, please contact us so that we can investigate your case. However we wont be manually able to tweek your Unocoin wallet balance to reflect your affected deposit. The entire issue is expected to sort out itself with in next few days after which you can expect to see your deposits in your Unocoin transactions with in 30 seconds since deposit and it should get 6 confirmations in about 1 hour as it used to be. After those 6 confirmation you can send the bitcoins to other users/bitcoin-addresses or sell your bitcoins.